Thursday, March 17, 2011

Beautiful inside AND out.... eventually haha

I'm starting a blog like my buddy Holly did. I've been working on my physical health for about 6 months, before that I was very ill and lost a lot of weight and was very weak. In August I could barely drive around or get from couch to car.
This is March and I'm going to start this "couch to 5K" thing with Holly. Today was the first day we walked and apparently we walked 1.4 miles on our first day.
We will walk again tomorrow after she gets out of work and hopefully add a little bit of walking on the beach as well.
I'm also doing other misc. exercising. Dancing, sports on the Kinect.. stuff like that. I try to take the kids to the park as much as I can and add activity when I can. I'm still not really eating the way I should be but I'm no where near the overeater I was.
So today I am 203 lbs. I am approximately a 14/16 clothes. Holly says this is a 9 week thing. I figure if I can go from barely being able to walk to exercising daily in 7 months.. well being able to do 5 Kilos or 3.2 Miles in 9 weeks isn't too far fetched of a goal.
We shall see! :)
To be cont'd.....

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